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Muslims in Leicester

Muslims in Leicester

Muslims in Leicester

The Policy Research Centre conducted this piece of research for the Open Society Institute’s At Home in Europe Programme, which explores the policy concerns of Muslim citizens in eleven EU cities.

The first of the 11 city reports to be released, this is the largest and most detailed survey of Muslims in the city of Leicester including 200 detailed questionnaires (with Muslims and non-Muslims), 6 focus groups and over 30 interviews with city stakeholders. The report examines the views of Leicester residents in areas such as citizenship, identity & belonging, policing, education, employment, health and media.

Leicester has one of the most ethnically diverse populations in the United Kingdom (UK) outside London. According to the 2001 Census, Leicester’s population was 279,921, of which just over 30,000 (11 per cent) were Muslims, making them the third-largest faith group in Leicester after Christians and Hindus. This has changed significantly over the last ten years. The study focused on three wards: Evington, Stoneygate and Spinney Hills.

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